S Nabadda, H Wabinga, A.L Okwi Aetiological spectrum of pancytopenia based on bone marrow morphological examination as seen in Mulago Hospital Uganda. DOC
A.L Okwi, E Othieno, A Okoth, G.S Bimenya, W Byarugaba, M Ocaido Cost Benefit Analysis Of Establishing Cervical Cancer Screening Services At Health Centres In The Districts Of Uganda Using Papanicolaou Method. DOC
F Eric, G.W Nasinyama, C Waiswa, Z Nsadha, P Kawuma, L Doble, V Kivali, L Ojok Diagnostic Efficiency Of Meat Inspection Service To Detect Taenia Solium Cysticercostic Pork At Wambizi Pig Abattoir, Kampala, Uganda: Implications For Public Health. DOC
J.B Jadalla, D.M Mekki, S. A Bukhari, N A Eshag Effects Of Supplementation Of The Natural Grazing With Roselle Seeds On Dry mater intake and performance of Desert Sheep Lambs In West Kordofan, Sudan. DOC
A. O Raji, S.B Adamu, S Babangida Growth Performance Of The Japanese Quail In A Semi Arid Area Of Nigeria. DOC
K.O Lapenga, Rubaire.C.M Akiiki Measurement Of Association Between Exposure To Helminths And Occurrence Of Helminthosis In Goats In Busitta Village In Eastern Uganda. DOC
C.Okere Nkechi , K. Adeyemo Olanike Occurrence And Fish Farmer Perceptions Of Symptoms Of Diseases In Ibadan And Ikorodu In Nigeria. DOC
M.S Habarulema, G.S Bimenya Prevalence Of Bacterial Infections And Their Effects On sSemen Of Infertile Men, Seen Retrospectively At Mulago Hospital 2012-2005. DOC
F Ejobi, M Ocaido, T Odoch, J Sserugga, N Nantima, C Rutebarika Qualitative Risk Assessment For Introduction Of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus To Uganda. DOC
L.D Nabbale, S Kalungi, G.S Bimenya, E Othieno, A.L Okwi Reliability Of Using Best’s Carmine And Haematoxylin-Eosin Methods For The Detection Of Glycogen In Paraffin Wax Tissue Sections. DOC
S. G Adamu, A.O Tijjani, N.N Atsanda, M.A Sadiq, N.B Adamu, I.U Hambali, M Jajere, T.A Bello Serological Survey Of Brucella Antibodies In Cattle Herds In Yobe State, Nigeria. DOC