AJABS is an internationally refereed journal published jointly by the International Network on Animal and Biomedical Science and Technology for Africa (INABSTA), an initiative of the NEPAD Council Education Commission (NCEC), Makerere University (College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resource and Bio-Security - CoVAB) and Uganda Veterinary Association.
Call for Articles 2025 for AJABS & One Health Global Health Security Journals
I am delighted to share a call for manuscripts for potential publication in two distinguished journals: the African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences (AJABS) and the One-health and Global Health Security Journal (One Health-GHS).
Volume 8, No. 1AJABS Volume 8, Issue 1, 2014

Issue description
The African Journal of Animal & Biomedical Sciences (AJABS) Volume 8, Issue 1, 2014