The African Journal of Animal & Biomedical Sciences
AJABS is an internationally refereed journal published jointly by the International Network on Animal and Biomedical Science and Technology for Africa (INABSTA), an initiative of the NEPAD Council Education Commission (NCEC), Makerere University (College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resource and Bio-Security - CoVAB) and Uganda Veterinary Association.
Makerere University Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
The mandate of Makerere University Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (MUJAES) is to disseminate research finds in key areas covering agricultural, food, forestry, and environmental sciences. MUJAES publishes 2 issues per year. Papers are available online, with occasional prints.
Uganda Journal of Education
The Uganda Journal of Education (UJE) is a peer-reviewed journal hosted by the College of Education and External Studies, Institute of Education Research Makerere University. It seeks critical reviews and in-depth analyses or study findings in all areas of education. UJE serves as a communication medium among education professionals, policy makers, researchers, students and the community. UJE encourages the dissemination of studies aimed at identifying problems, informing policy and contributing towards reform and the general development of education in the country and region.
Mawazo (sing. wazo) is a comprehensive Kiswahili word covering the following activities of the mind: meditations, reflections, thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Mawazo is a multidisciplinary international, peer reviewed journal published in English by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University. It is a scholarly journal of research and opinions in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Mawazo was first published in June 1967 as a publication of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University to promote national consciousness and pan-Africanism through the promotion of basic research in the humanities and social sciences. Mawazo seeks to disseminate cutting-edge research and opinions relevant and reflective of African realities. The thorough multidisciplinary character of the journal enables it to analyse the African conditions in a more holistic manner.
Makerere Historical Journal
African Health Sciences
African Health Sciences is an internationally refereed journal publishing original articles on research, clinical practice, public health policy, planning, implementation and evaluation, in the health and related sciences relevant to Africa and the tropics. From 2005 African Health Sciences will be published four times a year in March, June, September and December.
One Health & Global Health Security Journal
The One Health and Global Health Security Journal is an international journal on infectious diseases hosted by Makerere University Press that covers emerging and re-emerging public health aspects at human-animal-environment interface, as well as biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human, animal and ecosystems health.
Welcome to MakPress Journals
The Makerere University Press Journals is the official online repository for academic research, scholarly articles, and peer-reviewed journals from various colleges and faculties at Makerere University. Our mission is to advance knowledge, foster intellectual discourse, and provide open access to high-quality research that contributes to local and global academic discussions.